Sunday 24 January 2021

Oh no, another project

I recently got a MBC2 Z80 PCB, and had most of the parts in my part bin to stuff it. After a couple of afternoons of why won't this thing work! I repropggrammed the ATMEGA32 and now it seems to work fine. So now what do I do with it? Yep another robot, I have always wanted a Hero 1 or Hero Jr, so I going to make a mini Hero Jr, as I should be able to print the panels on my 3D printer.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Update on ROS

Over the Christmas break made a good start on getting the basics done on the Turtlebot3. I now have a Microtik micro router so that I can have a portible network and using VSCode remote (over SSH) to the onboard Pi4 helps with speedy development. I now have a couple of Nodes and a Service running so that I can monitor Pi4 cpu,temp and memory usage. The service will be used to send commands to the Pi4, such as shutdown. Next is follow a ball using OpenCV...

2mm Fine Scale Class 08

Made a good start on the Class 08 - it may take a while!